Sometime in the past, I image it to have been a rainy spring night, a car struck a little dear, not an uncommon occurrence in Oregon. Someone took the time to rehabilitate the injured deer. The consequence being that there is a tame deer that roams the greater Olney, Oregon metropolitan area.
More info on Olney can be found here:,_Oregon
This is a picture of the Elk that live in the wildlife refuge just outside of Olney.
This deer is named Fawn Fawn.
If you bring a couple of apples and hang out with Luke Ydstie at dusk, you might be able to feed her. Oh and it turns out, she's had a twins (look for the giant ears sticking out behind Luke).
Blind Pilot's fall tour has been dubbed "The Fawn Fawn and The Fawns tour".
When I arrived in Olney, Luke was working on the bus. He's an excellent finish carpenter and he's been using wood that's been stored out at Big Red, the building Israel's Dad owns out on pilings in the middle of the Columbia River, that we lived there the summer/fall of 2003.
The bus is going to be the tour bus for Blind Pilot's fall tour. Which, as of the effective date if these photo's was about a week and a half out.
The bus is a 1971 Crown Coach
The Odometer says "386,606" but it stopped working some time ago.
According to a very trusted source (Luke and Israel) "these things can run for a million miles given proper care." ... given proper care. This bus apparently has the proclivity for blowing hoses (fuel, radiator, etc.).
It's manufacture date was 10/25/1971. It has a Cummins Diesel with 220 horse power (that's it!). It's gross vehicle weight is 32,500 lbs. and it's unladen weight is 19,700 lbs (almost ten tons). Turns out it has a top speed of 61 Mph. - So no, Sal Paradise, I will not be balling this jack up to 90.
I'll be operating it from September 29th to October 17th for the fall tour from Bend to Austin and Back throughout the West and Southwest.
Dates, Venues, Times and tickets can be found here.
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